I haven't quite finished my block #10 from Santa's village.I still have a star and some snowflakes to stitch.. ~~

But I had to stop stitching on SV because September came and the weather got 'fall' like.I just needed to stitch something Fall. I had been 'eye-balling' Plum Street Sampler's 'Halloweenie' for awhile...and I finally started it.~~

And can I tell you I can not wait to stitch those dogs! Adorable! ~~ I don't think I've shown my 'And a Forest Grew' in awhile... I do try to stitch on it every now and then. This pattern / design has been wonderful to stitch. Every little tree and creature are different so it makes it so fun.

Here's another look, but closer so you can see some details...

Lastly in my Stitching World, I've been trying to find frames for these two...'Song of the Season's' and 'Ghoul Tidings'. I have been trying to hit our thrift store once a week but not luck yet.

I would love to find a cool ornate frame for my Ghoul Tidings before October starts. So far I either find ones that are too plain, too big or too small.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In my BackYard World, we have a chipmunk who my husband has now named Alvin. Here is Alvin stealing bird food from my bird feeder...

And here he is drinking from our little waterfall...

It's he adorable?!