Wednesday, August 5, 2009

my dog did it again.

He chewed my iron cord in half again. Oh my goodness. My husband was able to fix it again, but my iron cord is getting shorter and shorter. LOL

Here is a little WIP, it's a tree skirt.
And Jenny of Elefantz is challenging us to make a sewing machine cover. I have one already so I just wanted to show it off. I love linen, so it's made with an off white linen and so Heather Ross fish fabric. :o) But hope over to Jenny's and take the challenge.


Nichole said...

oh no! i'm glad your husband was able to fix it!

Joy said...

Oh dear, pretty soon your cord will be so short you'll be ironing squashed up to the power point!!! Good thing it wasn't plugged in ... eeeek!!!
Joy :o)