Friday, May 23, 2008

block #4 and graduation

Here is block #4. ( in the quilt along). I worked on it yesterday. My back is still hurting, but I don't want to get behind. And I am having sewing withdrawls. I messed it up the first time, had to take the seam ripper to it, but got it done.

Here is what it looks like messed up. Can you tell the difference? I actually thought it would look good this way, but decieded to stay with what it is suppost to look like.
My baby boy graduated from pre-school last night. He is very stubborn so he wouldn't smile. :o) Now it's time to prepare me for him going to kingergarten.


QuiltedSimple said...

Your block looks good - I like the "wrong" one too.

Your son is so serious - mine just finished preschool - 1 more year and then kindergarden (we are holding him back a year due to late birthday and all day kindergarden in our district).


Anonymous said...

Ha ha
You got me double guessing my block. I had to go check haha

I too like your wrong way very much

It's fun looking at everyone else's blocks

Love Leanne NZ