I have been pretty sick for a week or 2. Not pretty, just sick...LOL. I've had a kidney infection and now the flu. I really have not been this sick since I was 15 years old. My point is.... I haven't gotten a lot of sew done and it's killing me. All I can do is sleep and lie in the bed. I am up now eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup , so I figured I would check 'blogland' while I ate.
Last week I did get the boarders on my 'North Pole Quilt'. I think the red and green boards make it look more Christmasy.
My husband got me a new car for our anniversary. He is a 1957 Euro Beetle. I've named him " Heinrich". For short we'll call him " Heinz 57". hehehe

And this weekend while camping I stitched up the latest towel I had from the Tea Towel Tour 5. She wanted our state bird or flower on her towel.

Thanks for looking/ reading. I am headed to take more medication and get back to bed. Hopfully I can sew soon before I go crazy.